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Authenticating into VMware Cloud Director (VCD)


There are two methods of authenticating yourself in order to connect to AUCloud VCD instances, enabling usage of the VCD APIs, VCD Terraform Provider, VCD's OVF tool, etc. These methods are:

  • Username + password
  • Bearer token

Username + password authentication¤

This method of authentication required a "local" VCD user.

Follow this guide for setting up a "local" VCD user to create this user.

The username and password of this user can then be used to authenticate and establish a connection with VCD.

Bearer token authentication¤

Creating a session by sending a HTTP POST request to the VCD /api/sessions endpoint generates a bearer token. This token can then be used to connect to your VCD instance with many different tools, such as Terraform.

To create this session, you can:

  • Use the username + password of a "local" VCD user
  • Use a manually generated VCD API token

Use username + password¤

  1. Retrieve the username and password of your "local" VCD user. Follow this guide for setting up a "local" VCD user if you do not already have one.
  2. Retrieve the unique name of your VCD tenancy
  3. Retrieve the API server URL for your VCD tenancy from the list of AUCloud VMware Cloud Director API Endpoints
  4. Base64 encode your organization name, username, and password in the format:

    [username]@[organization name]:[password]
  5. Send a POST request to the /api/sessions endpoint of the VCD API where your tenancy is located:

    curl --request POST 'https://[VCD API URL]/api/sessions' \
        --header 'Accept: application/*;version=37.2' \
        --header 'Authorization: Basic [Base64 encoded credentials]'

    For example:

    curl --request POST '' \
        --header 'Accept: application/*;version=37.2' \
        --header 'Authorization: Basic e3t2Y2RfdXNlcm5hbWV9fTp7e3ZjZF9wYXNzd29ydh9'
  6. A successful response will include an authorization header in this format:


    This token can be used as a Bearer token in the Authorization header of all future requests, e.g. Authorization: Bearer *token*.

    Here's an example of retrieving VMs using the VCD API using a bearer token of my-bearer-token:

    curl '' \
        --header 'Accept: application/*+json;version=37.2' \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer [my-bearer-token]'

Use VCD API token¤

  1. Retrieve your manually generated VCD API token. If you don't have one, follow this guide to set one up
  2. Retrieve the unique name of your VCD tenancy
  3. Retrieve the API server URL for your VCD tenancy from the list of AUCloud VMware Cloud Director API Endpoints
  4. Send a POST request to https://[VCD API URL]/oauth/tenant/[organization name]/token with the a x-www-form-urlencoded body containing: grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=[API Token]


    curl '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --data-urlencode 'grant_type=refresh_token' \
        --data-urlencode 'refresh_token=zmLd5LZ1by2gSHjePgMPWr'
  5. A successful request will return a body containing an access_token. Subsequent interactions with VCD can now use this as as a Bearer token:


    curl '' \
        --header 'Accept: application/*+json;version=37.2' \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer [access_token]'