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Platform Services

AUCloud offers a number of platform services:


AUCloud provides a suite of compute and compute management solutions, including:

  • Virtual Machines (VMs)
  • Block Storage
  • Virtual networking
  • API access

Object Storage¤

S3-compatible object storage is provided for the management of buckets and objects, administration of permissions and secure programmatic access via API.


AUCloud uses Veeam Backup and Replication to protect VCD virtual machines and Veeam Backup for M365 for Microsoft 365 data.

Disaster Recovery and Migration¤

AUCloud uses VMware Cloud Director Availability (VCDA), a comprehensive solution that allows migration of workloads between environments, including disaster recovery for multi-tenant cloud sites.

Sovereign Bridge¤

AUCloud's Sovereign Bridge provides connectivity between physical and virtual resources within the data centre ecosystem throughout Australia.

Symmetric Key Agreement Platform¤

AUCloud's Symmetric Key Agreement Platform, developed on Arqit's QuantumCloud™, provides high performance and quantum computing resistant cryptography as a service.

Kubernetes Service¤

AUCloud's Kubernetes Service, based on VMware's Tanzu Kubernetes Grid. Providing self-service Kubernetes cluster provisioning including direct integration into VMware Cloud Director's storage and networking fabrics.